Question by broodfire: Is drinking alot of energy drink going to help me in a race? I’m going to be in a 200 meter race and I really want to do well. So I’m thinking of drinking alot of energy drinks right after the race. Is that going to make me win or do well. […]
by mararie The Dangers Of Drinking Energy Drinks It is a growing concern, that children that are as young as 5 years old are consuming energy drinks left laying around the house callously by young adults. The dangers associated with energy drinks is that they often contain high levels of the mind-altering stimulant, caffeine. Caffeine […]
Question by Soccer depresent: Will drinking an energy drink while on adderall help make the effects last longer? I was perscribed 40mg of adderall XR daily and it seems to wear off within 4 hours. Can drinking an energy drink once i dont feel adderall anymore help me focus the whole day? Best answer: Answer […]
Question by Why is drinking too many energy drinks (in a day) harmful to your health? The back of thr can (Monster energy) says to drink responsible, limit to three cans per day! Is this seriously bad for your health? what will it do if you consume more? Are these energy drinks considered addictive? […]
by mararie Question by Brock: what is the harm in drinking energy drinks if they are sugar free? I hear a lot of hype about energy drink and how they can harm your health but what i gather is mainly a spike in the blood sugar. I drink energy drinks but all of them i […]
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