Question by Why is drinking too many energy drinks (in a day) harmful to your health?
The back of thr can (Monster energy) says to drink responsible, limit to three cans per day! Is this seriously bad for your health? what will it do if you consume more?
Are these energy drinks considered addictive?
Best answer:
Too much caffeine.Anything can be addictive like:various soda’s, coffee,coffee drinks,cigarettes,food,candy etc….
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Some of these drinks are full of caffeine & sugar…..too much of a good thing could do you somw serious damage!
if more the caffeine will have you clinging to the ceiling shaking
It is like drinking too much caffeine. It can get you too hyper which can be dangerous, let me tell you from experience.
Energy drinks work by increasing your heart rate. Your heart is not designed to beat at a high rate all the time. In fact a recent study I read on says that alcohol consumption is directly proportional to a reduced risk of heart attack – even when alcohol is drank in excess.
If you do a search for “red bull death” you’ll see why. One particularly more-known incident involved (if I remember correctly) a danish runner whom after running several miles drank 3 red bulls and then died of heart failure.
It’s my understanding (and I could be wrong) that caffiene is botany-speaking from the same family as cocaine. I’d recommend that people stay away from them. I might grab one once every 3 to 6 months if I have a hangover.
too much sugar, and you will be really hyper, then really drousy and if that occurs when you are driving, you might pass out or something. thats my guess.
ANY drink with caffeine is harmful and addictive.
Because all that sugar and caffeine will Fuck you up
it’s oober bad cuz of all tha caffine and “extra” things they put in it.
dont you read the ingredients label?
Your body can develop a dependency on caffeine (similar to an addiction), and you can go into a kind of mini withdrawl if you suddenly go cold turkey. Plus, there’s just such a high amount of caffeine in it, which is not a natural substance, and too much of any chemical or drug can mess up your system.
because it is full of caffeine and can damage ure brains.
also there are kinds that are only glucose. These are pure sugars and too much and you can get diabeties.
to tell ure the truth, sport drinks isnt good at all.
The best is water.
When ure training use water.
energy drinks are only for those that run marathons or long distant sports
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo They call me SPAZ after 10 of those heheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111