Question by SomethingSeekerFreeThinker: Does having an energy drink before a workout promote weight loss? or do you just burn what you drank?
I have heard that energy drinks keep you going longer, but then are you burning fat, or the energy from the drink?
Best answer:
Answer by Brutally Honest
Unless you’re using the sugar-free variety, all you’re doing is adding more calories to the pile.
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I totally agree with the lady above me. You are adding more calories and in turn creating more for your body to work off. I say get rid of that junk. It’s junk. Anything artificial is crap. The more you work out and the better your diet is, the better you will feel before and after your workout. A healthy diet = more energy and more energy = a great workout! Good luck.
You would have to drink a low calorie version. I recommend XS energy drinks (only 8 calories per can). If you live in the United States or Canada you can get them at