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having  // Posts tagged as "having"

21 Oct Posted by in Tweet Posts | 2 comments

Does having an energy drink before a workout promote weight loss? or do you just burn what you drank?

Question by SomethingSeekerFreeThinker: Does having an energy drink before a workout promote weight loss? or do you just burn what you drank? I have heard that energy drinks keep you going longer, but then are you burning fat, or the energy from the drink? Best answer: Answer by Brutally HonestUnless you’re using the sugar-free variety, […]


04 Oct Posted by in Tweet Posts | 1 comment

Q&A: What is the purpose of having energy drinks while working out?

Question by Calculus: What is the purpose of having energy drinks while working out? In the gym where I workout there are these chillers full of energy drinks like Gatorade and today there was this group handing out sample bottles of a new energy drink. My purpose of visiting the gym and working out is […]