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Alcohol  // Posts tagged as "Alcohol"

03 May Posted by in Tweet Posts | 2 comments

Q&A: Energy drinks and alcohol?

Question by ???: Energy drinks and alcohol? When I first started drinking jagerbombs I would get rather drunk very quickly. All of a sudden, whenever I have jagerbombs or any other kind of alcohol with an energy drink.. it has NO effect on me. It even seems to cancel out my buzz from drinks I […]


07 Dec Posted by in Tweet Posts | 6 comments

Q&A: whats the best alcohol drink?

Question by Mari Q: whats the best alcohol drink? hi id like to stick to the same drink when im out but would like it to taste nice. its usually vodka red bull but then a cant sleep when i get home. any suggestions? thanks x Best answer: Answer by David Cpeach schnapps, chilled Know […]


06 Dec Posted by in Tweet Posts | Comments

Alcohol Energy Drinks Banned in Washington State

by außerirdische sind gesund Alcohol Energy Drinks Banned in Washington State Alcohol Energy Drinks Banned in Washington State Free Online Articles Directory Why Submit Articles? Top Authors Top Articles FAQ AB Answers Publish Article 0 && $.browser.msie ) { var ie_version = parseInt($.browser.version); if(ie_version Hello Guest Login Login via Register Hello My Home Sign Out […]


28 Nov Posted by in Tweet Posts | 6 comments

energy drink 3 hours ok, safe to drink alcohol now?

by blmurch Question by smalldancer: energy drink 3 hours ok, safe to drink alcohol now? I drank a energy drink about 3 hours ago, is it safe to drink alcohol now? I mean how long does it take for the energy drink to get out of your system? Best answer: Answer by iluvcheer618when you go […]


22 Nov Posted by in Tweet Posts | Comments

High-caffeine energy drinks linked to alcohol abuse

High-caffeine energy drinks linked to alcohol abuse WASHINGTON – Regularly consuming high-caffeine energy drinks significantly increases the risk of becoming alcohol-dependent and engaging in bouts of heavy drinking, a study published yesterday found. Read more on New Straits Times INTERROBANG By: Now that Massachusetts has jumped on the bandwagon of banning the alcoholic energy drink […]