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Q&A: Energy drinks and alcohol?

03 May Posted by in Tweet Posts | 2 comments

Question by ???: Energy drinks and alcohol?
When I first started drinking jagerbombs I would get rather drunk very quickly. All of a sudden, whenever I have jagerbombs or any other kind of alcohol with an energy drink.. it has NO effect on me. It even seems to cancel out my buzz from drinks I had consumed before…

I’m not an alcoholic by any means, other kinds of alcoholic drinks without energy drinks in them still get me drunk as per usual.

has anybody else experienced this?

Best answer:

Answer by Zachary
There are two things that could be happening.
1. You built up a higher tolerance, which you can consume more alcohol and delaying the drunk feeling.
2 Alcohol is a depressant/ relaxant and energy drinks well.. give you energy. The two are actually horrible to mix and consume for your body.

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