by blmurch
Question by smalldancer: energy drink 3 hours ok, safe to drink alcohol now?
I drank a energy drink about 3 hours ago, is it safe to drink alcohol now? I mean how long does it take for the energy drink to get out of your system?
Best answer:
Answer by iluvcheer618
when you go pee hahah
What do you think? Answer below!
You’d probably be ok. People mix alcohol with energy drinks all the time, so I’m sure it won’t hurt you!
you shouldn’t even be feeling that energy drink anymore, and should be alright to drink alcohol, people mix energy drinks and alcohol all the time, it is sorta kinda dangerous though
You’re fine, I drink soco bombs which is southern comfort and red bull mixed, so I don’t know where you got that that is bad for you. It isn’t.
Its a myth if you think you cant mix the 2, why would they sell ROCKSTAR w/VODKA in 2 different flavors??
chew on a seal
I the warning is there for legal purposed. You can buy energy drinks with vodka in them.