Question by miss mataray: What is the best energy drink to stay awake at night till 6 in the morning?
I work in a long term life facility and my shift is 10pm to 6:30 am. I’ve been so sleepy from 1 till off.
Is there any energy drink or pills that can me me stay awake all night?
Please dont tell me illegal drugs like cocaine,marijuana, etc.
Best answer:
Answer by Destructo
1-2 5hr energies should work. Or I drink Crunk to stay awake, it works a little bit better than Monster, No Fear and the others for me.
What do you think? Answer below!
Coffee, and Redbull work for me.
Change your sleep cycle. Those drinks are terrible for you.
red bull, dont drink it all once, sip it through out your shift. Make it last. thats what I do through my day. the faster you drink it, the harder your crash after will be. If needed bring a second can just in case.
You would be better off avoiding all of these and letting your body naturally adjust (which could take ages), the problem with doing it the energy drink way is that your body will get to a point over long term where it will start to rely on these to stay awake, however the occasional pro-plus tablet is quite good
well there is lots, v red bull no doez but all of theses have the problem because they give you short energy boosts and they dont last as long as normal energy sources (fruit) the fruit will give you an energy bost not as high but it will last longer where th energy drink will give you a very high but then it will wear off and you will have almost no energy and u will crash, also they can be addictive. and also harm your body making you unhealthy
best wishes
Mitch ~ Gb
Instead of energy drinks I would try taking vitamin b complex (but make sure you eat a good meal before taking the vitamins)
Have a cup of herbal tea containing ginseng or ginkgo biloba. The herbs naturally minimize the negative effects of stress hormones and fortify those all-important adrenals, leaving you with more energy to cope. Look for teas whose labels tout their stress-relieving benefits.
ave a power snack when you can, a quarter cup mixed nuts and some yogurt will help sustain your energy. It is low in sugar but high in protein and healthy fat, this combo digests slowly, giving you a slight energy surge without knocking your blood sugar out of whack.
If you really want the energy drinks I would try the 5 hour energy, it seems like the one with the least negative side effects.
P.S. Sorry if there are random numbers through out my answer, my kitty jumped on the keyboard. I tried to erase them all but I might have missed one or two, lol.
5 hour energy works great because theres no crash
You should really check out Energyfizz. Energyfizz, is a Healthy Red Bull. You’ll never drink coffee again, and have all day energy. A combo energy drink and vitamin supplement, the healthiest energy drink on the market. 41,667 RDA of B12 per serving. That is a b12 shot the athletes get” Watch this free video now at Purchase some today this will help you balance your hectic schedule and avoid an unhealthy addiction.
avoid them -instead sleep well during the day. use blackout blinds, ear plugs, and avoid caffeine. maintain the same schedule on your days off from work. eat a healthy balanced diet and exercise daily. if these tips don’t work, consider a shift that is better suited to your body’s biorhythms.