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morning  // Posts tagged as "morning"

27 Nov Posted by in Tweet Posts | 9 comments

What is the best energy drink to stay awake at night till 6 in the morning?

Question by miss mataray: What is the best energy drink to stay awake at night till 6 in the morning? I work in a long term life facility and my shift is 10pm to 6:30 am. I’ve been so sleepy from 1 till off. Is there any energy drink or pills that can me me […]


26 Nov Posted by in Tweet Posts | 4 comments

Is it safe to drink a 5-hour energy shot in the morning and a whey protein shake after my workout?

Question by spenceroni04: Is it safe to drink a 5-hour energy shot in the morning and a whey protein shake after my workout? I am really tired everyday so i started taking 5-hour energy shots but i also work out and take why protein. I take my energy drink at 6 a.m. and my protein […]