Question by diswunfoo: Is it okay to drink energy drink and take some creatine right after, before a workout??
So would it be dangerous to drink like say one of those 5 hour energy shots and then take my creatine right after before a workout? I did so once before, just had alot of energy didn’t feel anything bad, but ost of my friends said it was dangerous that I did so because I’m not suppose to do that…? Any suggestions?
Best answer:
Answer by Mike
well your supposed to take creatin before and after workouts. but if your trying to save your creatine i wouldnt recomend taking energy drinks or shots. the carbs are good but they usually come with a lot of other stuff. but if you do choose to do it drink lots of water and cycle off of it like every 2-3 months. if your having to constantly pee thats a good thing because that means your kidneys are filtering out the creatine and energy drinks.
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