Question by MMM: Does anyone know how to make an energy Drink?
I want to actually make my own energy drink, not mixed drinks. I need stuff like, amounts of ingredients, where I can find such ingredients, cooking directions, etc.
Thanks taylorxscene, but I prefer Monster 🙂 But I kinda just wanna make my own. For good times ya know?
Best answer:
Answer by taylorxscene
just go buy a rockstar 😀
What do you think? Answer below!
depends on what you want
i m assuming u need it for recriational purposes
bsically, all u need is a stimulant or a bunch of them and a lot of sugar
my recipe-
300 ml water ( around a glass)
2 spoons of maltodextrine ( a polyscceride, but primarily a glucose based 1)
guarana seed powder or extract ( i use this very sparing ly as i have a high quality product)
green tea ( instead of water, i add 2 cups of strong green tea most of d tym)
you can also use some fruit juice instead of water as the base .like mango, or apple. carrots high glucose so dat works too
email me if u need more info, i will help
btw, this 1s for party tym. if u want somthing for wrkouts or training, there are changes to be made