by oobrien
Question by colin smith: How bad is drinking this much alcohol and energy drink for you?
okay first let me say that i’m not bragging about how cool i am or how much i can drink.
Yesterday (st patricks day) i drank about 11 beers by 2:30 pm. Then i drank a 6 hour energy and 2 monster energy drinks in the next hour. I drank a couple shots of vodka after that.
im asking what this did to my body because i honestly felt like i was ODing. I seriously considered calling the hospital.
Best answer:
Answer by Crystal
Alcohol is a depressant and energy drinks are stimulants. Putting that much pressure on your heart could make it explode. Be careful!
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
its not good for you
i had 5 guinness only
and i’m old
Yeah, I wouldn’t do that. But props to you for surviving that. That could have killed you.
omg you could die.