Xowii Energy Drinks Review: Are You The Next XOWii Black Pearl Millionaire?
Xowii Energy Drinks Review: Are You The Next XOWii Black Pearl Millionaire?
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Home Page > Internet > Internet Marketing > Xowii Energy Drinks Review: Are You The Next XOWii Black Pearl Millionaire?
Xowii Energy Drinks Review: Are You The Next XOWii Black Pearl Millionaire?
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Posted: Nov 02, 2010 |Comments: 0
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Xowii Energy Drinks Review: Are You The Next XOWii Black Pearl Millionaire?
By: George Tiganus
About the Author
This XOWii Review is an integral part of your long term success in your XOWii business.
Learn the step by step skills to creating long term wealth in your business by visiting XOWii MLM Training now.
(ArticlesBase SC #3596383)
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ – Xowii Energy Drinks Review: Are You The Next XOWii Black Pearl Millionaire?
This XOWii Review focuses on a network marketing company that is only a little over one year old.Despite being a newcomer, XOWii is gaining huge popularity increase and has topped the latest update on MLMRankings.com with a whopping 95% growth over last month.
XOWii, based in Costa Mesa, California and meaning “life” in Greek, is a great example of how an MLM company that relies on just a few products can enjoy great success in a very short period of time.
XOWii – The Product Line
XOWii relies on only 3 health drinks which feature KonaRed Coffee Cherry, a portion of the coffee plant that is often discarded during the harvesting of the plant.The drinks are rich in essential vitamins, they are believed to increase energy and are useful in weight loss diets.
– XOWii Energy – energy booster – contains coffee fruit, acai, elderberry, concord grape
– XOWii Thin – a drink to keep your appetite in check, based on the appetite suppressant cha de bugre, with mangosteen, mango, peach, ginseng and dietay fiber
– XOWii Ultimate – multivitamin and mineral drink with coffee fruit and aloe vera as well as other ingredients with protective properties for the eyes, skin, heard and circulatory system
XOWii – The Compensation Plan
It is easier to earn compensations with XOWii than with other network marketing businesses thanks to the 2 x 2 duplication system and the bonus awarding scheme.The best part of this format is that once you’ve signed up your first two affiliates, the next ones are added in their downline, which is helpful for the whole team.
Enrollment is only .95.A starter pack or kit can then be purchased in order to help discover the benefits of the products and spread the word about them.
The XOWii compensation plan includes the chance to win three instant bonuses, and as far as long term income goes, there are three ways to make regular money and four ways to make an actual fortune, which is what every person in MLM is aiming for.The fast start prize for new representatives is awarded at the signing of their first two affiliates and consists of 30$ for each of these affiliates, so 60$ in total.
Furthermore, there’s the fast start matching bonus which can be achieved as soon as your first two team members get two more each.For this accomplishment you receive 80$, that is 20$ for each of the four affiliates on the second level of your downline.
I’m not going to get into more details, my goal for this XOWii Review is to offer a real solution for new distributors to enjoy success in network marketing.
Can MLM success become more than just a dream?
Statistics say that almost 190,000 people become affiliated with a network marketing business monthly.This is a promising figure and offers a reason to be optimistic about the potential of MLM businesses.
The main problem is the very small percent of people who really get to live the MLM dream lifestyle.Less than 3% of network marketers make money on a regular basis and less than 1% get to the highest, most rewarding levels of their companies.
This is an indication of the lack of efficiency in their approach.To me, the traditional way of promoting your business by trying to talk hundreds of people into it is now obsolete and should be replaced by the wonders of online marketing.
The MLM industry has been tuned on its head by the new generation of marketers who reached 7 figure earnings.They rely solely on promoting their businesses on the internet and it is a proven fact that most of these highly successful individuals achieved expert status and got to live their dreams in less than one year.
The MLM world is a good place to be for ambitious people, so go out there and make your own dream come true!
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George Tiganus –
About the Author:
This XOWii Review is an integral part of your long term success in your XOWii business.
Learn the step by step skills to creating long term wealth in your business by visiting XOWii MLM Training now.
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xowii, xowii review, xowii energy drinks
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