Question by Aiden .: Why doesnt energy drinks work on me?
I drink energy drinks all the time…at least 3 a day but they dont seem to be working. Could it be because i have ADHD?
Best answer:
Answer by jazzgal
It might because of the activities you do? Too vigorous? Therefore the effect isn’t working.
What do you think? Answer below!
Considering you’re drinking a ridicoulous amount of it, it’s possible you may have developed a tolerance for the amount you’re taking.
It would be a really bad idea to suggest more considering too much can be dangerous for your heart. I’d suggest going to a doctor to see why you even need that many energy drinks in the first place, something has to be wrong with the way you sleep or your lifestyle.
no, your not alone
people usually crash when they drink that much, i know i do
Either cuz your body is used to them, or cuz caffeine and other things don’t affect everyone the same. My brother starts getting hyper if he has a cup of cappucino for example, but it has no affect like that on me. My mom said it’s different for different people.
Well there could be becasue…
1. Caffeine does not actually stimulate everybody. Some people it takes a bunch to notice a difference and others the slightest bit sends them off wired for 12 hours.
2. You may already have a bunch of caffeine and sugar in your system so this is not having much of an affect on you.
3. Your ADHD can be causing the sugar and caffeine to not be working properly.
You definately are getting too much. Red Bull recommends only having 1 to 2 a day. The 2nd largest seller, and the 1st and largest healthy energy drink, XS Energy also recommends against having more than 2 a day. Energy drinks start off with 80 – 85 mg of caffeine per serving. Bigger cans are 2 or 3 servings. Once we reach 300 mg of caffeine a day we start to aquire serious health related issues.
For now I reccomend this.
First drink plenty of water. Proper hydration improves our energy level natrually by 3%. Dehydration causes us to be tired. Since a bigger portion of the brain is water than the rest of the body it is affected more by dehydration. This makes it more noticable with mental afllictions like ADD and ADHD.
We need 1 ounce for every 2 pounds of body weight and 8 more for every 20 minutes of exercise. Wtih hot/dry days and climates even more is needed. Caffeine takes more water to process than a caffeinated drink provides so it dehydrates us. Therefore caffeinated drinks do not count towards water intake.
Now if you want an energy drink don’t use the regular type. Use the healthy choice XS Energy. It is more vital to you becasue of the ADHD. Since they pioneered providing energy through B vitamins 6 years ago there has been plenty of oportunity to study it. Many groups say that it is actually beneficial for people with ADD and ADHD because the B vitamins help to balance them out. Yes, regular energy drinks have some B vitamins but only just enough to really offset what caffeine depletes our bodies of.
Also make sure you are getting a very good quality multi vitamin and multi mineral supplement and an extra mult B complex. With nutritional supplements you get what you pay for. Proper nutrition also improves energy naturally and the B vitamins will be needed by you more than others because of the ADHD.
You may even find that with proper hydration and nutrition, with the extra vitamin Bs that you may even need energy drinks less than you do now.
Also make sure to get enough sleep. There simply is no replacement for it reguarless of how much coffee and energy drinks and pills a person takes. Mental conditions are also greatly intensified by lack of sleep.
Sorry for the legth but I was actually addressing 2 issues here. Contace me on how to get the XS Energy Drinks as it is only available through private distributors like myself.