Question by GBM: Why do energy drinks no longer work for me?
I used to drink Monster energy drinks and the biggest can would last me for hours and I would be pumped. After awhile they stopped working and I switched to Red Bull and got even bigger energy boost than I did with Monster. Now when I drink a Red Bull or two it still doesn’t work. Why aren’t they working anymore for me? Is there ANYTHING else out there that will work for me?
Best answer:
Answer by airjarrod
You’ve consumed so many your body expects to get an energy boost from them. Thus they no longer work.
Unfortunately, you’re so addicted to them that going without them for a while is going to be hell for you.
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After a while your body becomes immune to things for some reason. Depending on how much you’ve drank your body became resistant to it because it had delt with it for a long priod of time. Like penicillin, very effective in killing bacteria and diseases, you then become immune to it because those diseases now know how to fight it now. Your body knows energy drinks arent good for you so they become immune to it for thegood of you.
It is called tolerance the same as idea as alcohol tolerance. If you drink often it takes more and more to get the energy. Be careful because the more you drink the deeper the hole. Eventually if you consume too much caffeine you will overdose. Wean yourself off the energy drinks slowly. If you cut it off cold turkey you can go through some serious withdraw. Believe me I know.
Maybe you’ve been losing enough sleep from the energy drinks that you’re beyond the help of energy drink.
Get some sleep & see how you feel. You might not need the energy drinks anymore.