Question by Robbie04: What kind of energy drink is the best?
Okay, i realize that energy drinsk are so baadd and blahhh
but there’s a dance coming up at my school and I want to be really hyper and energized, but no energy drinks ever work on me!
and I am not drinking alcohol. Bleh
so what kind of energy drink should I use? which is the most powerful?
red bull and monster do not work
Ive tried them.
Best answer:
Answer by isabel
Red Bull. The taste is kinda gross but it works!
I prefer the red AMP stuff from Mountain Dew! It’s really Yummy!
Add your own answer in the comments!
monster is really good keeps you energized for 4 hours it tastes good two there are a bunch of flavors try it its good
100% natural juice is much better
personally, i like monster and they have a sugar free/ low carb one (blue can) so its not pure calories and sugar, so its somewhat healthy, i guess you could say.
recently i also had a sobe brand one for adrenaline rush and it was also sugar free and tasted really good. kind of grapefruity/cherry.
How about an old favorite…..Tang!
Look around this site a bit.
Hope you find what you want!