by Serolynne
Question by K D: What is the best energy drink out there ?
A friend of mine drinks those 5 hour energy shots,and he swears by them.Does any one drink them,red bull,or any other ones,and witch works the best?
Best answer:
Answer by williew
What do you think? Answer below!
red bull and amp are the best
there is one called spike .it comes in three different have to say its the strongest ive had yet. better than n.o.s. worth a try if you can find it.
I think herbal tea is best, or white tea. Those other energy drinks, such as Red Bull or Energy Shots, are not very good for you-too much caffeine. You may as well drink coffee.
I’d have to say full throttle. i have had it before and it keeps you awake and has a delicious limey flavor.
Full Throttle or Monster!
red bull is really good
Yeah Red Bull and Amp. But don’t drink too much Red Bull i heard that if you do you can have a heart attack or something of that matter. So be careful!
red bull……..but i always end up addin vodka to it! 😉