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What energy drinks are not sold in New Zealand but sold in North America?

15 Feb Posted by in Tweet Posts | 1 comment

Question by Listentohear: What energy drinks are not sold in New Zealand but sold in North America?
I have family in New Zealand, a cousin that’s pretty enthusiastic about energy drinks. Lives in Invercargill on the South Island and I remember not too long ago he was so excited he got his hands on a Monster Energy drink. I wanted to send him a North American energy drink that isn’t sold there for Christmas, or at least sold where he lives. Any suggestions? Is Monster Energy still rare down there? Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by Geenie
You posted your question in Australia and we have nothing to do with NZ. Australia is one country, New Zealand is another thousands of miles over sea away.

Maybe try posting your question in the NZ categories.
In Australia Monster Energy drinks are available and not rare, I am not too sure about NZ.

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