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What did the energy drink “Cocaine” change its name to and where can it be purchased?

21 Oct Posted by in Tweet Posts | 3 comments

Question by MP5: What did the energy drink “Cocaine” change its name to and where can it be purchased?
I cannot seem to find the energy drink “Cocaine” at any stores. I read on the internet that the drink was banned because of its name, but has been re-released under a new name. I’m wanting to try this energy drink. Thanks for the info in advance.

Best answer:

Answer by BlueSea
I think it is fairly obvious why they changed the name.

Cocaine is a highly caffeinated energy drink which claims to be 350% stronger than other energy drinks such as Red Bull, but not cause the “sugar crash” or jitters that other energy drinks produce. Its controversial name comes from the makers’ claim that the drink is a legal alternative to the drug cocaine. The product is no longer on shelves in the U.S.A. but has been re-released under the new name Censored.[citation needed] To go along with this new title the slogan has been changed from “The Legal Alternative” to “Censored.” It has also received inquiries for distribution in Europe.

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