Question by kandykat32: What are the negative effects of energy drinks?
I am aware on many cans/bottles of energy drinks it says not to drink too much within a day. For example Redbull cans say not to consume more than 500ml/day. What difference does this have compared to coffee? I have never seen a coffee recommendation other then for pregnant women (not to drink more than 4 cups/day i think). Is anyone aware of a longterm impact of consuming excess energy drinks? I guess they haven’t been around for long enough.
Best answer:
Answer by ArcFault
The difference between Coffee and thees drinks is the fact that “RedBull” is like 3and a half cups of coffee.
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not to mention the horrible chemicals, but also the crashes are very bad for you too!
when you drink energy drinks they can stunt you growth and they damage brain cells
you shouldnt have alot of energy drinks because it gives you a big boost in energy very fastly, when getting energy you should do a litttle at a time.
so what i am saying is take litttle sips and spread it out so you are not tired.
u crash after
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