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What are the effects of drinking an energy drink before athletic activity?

10 Oct Posted by in Tweet Posts | 5 comments

Question by hmae32: What are the effects of drinking an energy drink before athletic activity?
I am doing a project for my college class and it would really help me out a lot if you could tell me how energy drink effect your performance. It would even be better if you would time yourself doing some sort of activity before you have an energy drink and after. Thanks so much

Best answer:

Answer by sandy
I’ve done this before where i drink a red bull while on my way to the gym and i noticed it really gives me added energy. i am more inclined to do more cardio than if i hadnt drank it. for example if i normally do 40 min. of cardio i.e. treadmil or elliptical, with a energy drink i could go an hour non stop without a problem.

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