Question by girly GuRl: What are the best fruits, vegitables, snacks or drinks to drink when you want to loose fat and gain energy?
I find my self feeling weak after 50minuets of playing tennis or exercising…It’s been at least a year and a half since I was in top condition as a highschool jock…but how can I regain that energy? Nutrition tips please.
PS.I don’t want to drink energy drinks.
I used to be able to exercise for very long periods.
Best answer:
Answer by edie
water and most fruits and veggies, but you should really check with your Dr. before starting this for good advice.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
It’s good to see you aren’t just looking for a quick nutritional fix. As for me, I like convenience AND nutrition, although that’s seemingly oxymoronic. My 3 favorite supplements for nutrition and energy are Rhodiola 110, Nutrilite’s Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables, and Double X (multivitamin, multimineral, phytonutrient).
It’s obvious you want to get at the heart of the problem, and I know that, ever since taking these products my energy level has gone up and I can go long periods of time with little sleep, although I don’t try to take advantage of that ability too often.
My online supplier is awesome, so if you have any further questions I’d be happy to refer you!