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limitworkin  // Posts tagged as "limitworkin"

19 Nov Posted by in Tweet Posts | 4 comments

is it dangerous to take 5 hour energy drink and push yourslf to the limit?workin out?

by TheFoodJunk Question by AleX D.: is it dangerous to take 5 hour energy drink and push yourslf to the limit?workin out? i looked at the 5 hour energy drink’s vitamins and stuff and there was an extreme amount of watever it was. i want to know more about the drink and know wats safe […]


08 Nov Posted by in Tweet Posts | Comments

is it dangerous to take 5 hour energy drink and push yourslf to the limit?workin out?

by VisualOrgasm Question by AleX D.: is it dangerous to take 5 hour energy drink and push yourslf to the limit?workin out? i looked at the 5 hour energy drink’s vitamins and stuff and there was an extreme amount of watever it was. i want to know more about the drink and know wats safe […]