by wstryder
Question by animemask04: Why when i drink a energy drink i get sleepy?
It may be nothing but when i drink any energy drink i get sleepy, even a 5 hour energy.
It may be nothing but when i drink any energy drink i get sleepy, even a 5 hour energy. But i dont even get hyper, lts like right after i drink it.
Best answer:
Answer by Mr. Wizard
Are you ADHD?
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Its the after crash. It tires you out, after the rush. Try drinking a different energy drink with less caffeine
Sugar. All “energy” drinks are just crammed with a ton of sugar and caffeine. The sugar goes into your blood stream very fast (high fructose corn syrup), it opens up your fat deposits to store more fat, and once the sugar has been taken from your blood and stored as fat, you expirience the crash (sleepyness) since it is no longer in your blood stream.
I get the same thing when I drink them. Some people handle caffeine differently. I try to avoid them if I can. Caffine is just like a drug. It’s really great when it’s in your system, but when it starts to subside your body craves more to keep the “high” going. This is why you feel tired. Use a drink that has less caffine like Diet Pepsi or Pepsi Max. 😉