Question by Mikayla Shea: What would the effects be if someone thought they were drinking an energy drink?
It’s for my science project. They think they’re drinking a monster, would they show the same effects as they would if it were a real energy drink?
Best answer:
Answer by Horton
They might. It’s called the “placebo effect.” That’s when people feel actually feel the effect they think they’re supposed to feel. If you give it to them and tell them what they should feel, sometimes their belief takes over and they really do feel it. It’s just a trick of the mind, and some people don’t feel it.
A placebo (pluh-SEE-boe) is a fake drug. Often just a sugar tablet that looks like medicine. When given to a patient with a headache, for example, sometimes the headache goes away just because they believe that they’ve been given a drug.
It may work for some of your monster drink subjects, but not for others.
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