Question by Daedalus: What happens when you drink too many 5 hour energy drinks?
I was wondering what would happen if someone drank too many of those 5 hour energy drinks. How many would be too many? What would happen to you if you did drink that many?
Best answer:
Answer by YouAgain
You could cause heart palpatations, blood sugar and blood pressure problems as well.
What do you think? Answer below!
Like YouAgain said, it can be bad for your heart, pressure, etc…if you’re just sitting doen and you are not in bad shape, it’s not a threat to your life…but if you take too many and then do exercise, you’re in for trouble.. too many would be like, 3 or more i guess…stay below that
I’d say anything more than one at a time would be too much. They normally have warnings on the side that say you should drink it over a certain amount of time instead of all at once, since they are so strong. If you drank too many, you could probably have some heart palpitations or deregulate your sugar and blood pressure. Wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.
i drank two within 2 minutes of each other…couldn’t stop moving for an hour and crashed in bio class
i do not know how much is too much but it can increase your blood pressure a lot. drink enought and you will go to the emergency room. NO JOKE!!!
more than 2 at a time is too many and you will have alot of energy for about an hour then crash! they say no crash but there is one!
you’ll go nuts man
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i had 4 5 hour energys within 2 hours and i feel really sick and dizzy
idk what happens if you drink 2 or 3 but my friends and i drank around six each and it messed us up, we started tripping, like legitimate lsd-like tripping, and we were all tweaking out for a few hours and then we eventually all passed out