Question by Lisa G: Is it better to drink an energy drink fast?
I am drinking a red bull, and sometimes I drink Starbucks double shot expresso’s. Does it give you more energy if you down the drink really fast?
Best answer:
Answer by SakeSam
It’s better not to drink anyone of those at all. Most of them contain 12 tablespoons of sugar and that’s just poison to your system. The best energy drink on the market is old fashioned OJ. Drink it slow or fast it doesn’t kill your body
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No, it doesn’t give you more energy if you drink it fast. SakeSam is right, those are really harsh on the system and full of sugar.
i doesn’t give you more energy but if you take sips over a longer period of time and you drink these all the time it will dissolve enamel on your teeth and you cannot grow those back resulting in cavities rotted teeth and even dentures