Question by Sarah :]: energy drink??
okay i am playing some hard core badminton and i need some kinda of HEALTHY energy drink or some sort
ps im just 13
Best answer:
Answer by torralbateresa
What do you think? Answer below!
It is called redline an it is amazing you can find it at health food stores, but if are not used to caffine then drink only half…this will give you enough energy to last through many practices 🙂
Just take a glucose bottle with you…………..
It will better than any energy drink…………
OR take any fruit juice with you……..
energy drinks are bad for you instead try out some v8 or gatorade. this is more healthy the v8 gives vitamins and energy with no bad ingredients.
5 hour energy I hear is good.
coka cola is a energy drink
i what the 10 p
The best energy drink is Crunk!!! Energy Drink!
CRUNK!!! is the first energy drink to use natural pomegranate juice. No artificial flavors, colors, or any of that junk. And CRUNK!!! is the only energy drink with unique, exotic herbs like ashwaganda, horny goat weed, skull cap and white willow to help you live it up on and off the badminton court
Plus, it’s designed to deliver mental and physical vitality while supporting the immune system.
Check out the source list for some independent reviews!
Reviews from Energy Fiend, Possessed By Caffiene, and Energy Drink Ratings:
Reviews from and BevNet