Our Opinion of the Bawls Energy Drink
Bawls Energy Drink has been around for a lot longer than most other brands and through this longevity, it has built up quite a following. Over the years, this Drink has released a number of different flavors and by all accounts, these flavors are rather tasty. Most energy drinks have a citrus-like taste that you either like or dislike.
Other brands of energy drinks have moved onto other types of fruit, but Bawls Energy Drink has been truly revolutionary, as they have devised drinks that taste like various soft drinks. They also do not produce an overly sweet drink, which is a huge positive for many people.
Some drinks are so sweet that it is difficult to get through an entire can, but Bawls Energy Drink has managed to balance its sweetness nicely. If you are looking for a nice and balanced drink, this might be for you.
Another thing to consider about Bawls Energy Drink is that it has been very popular in the video game industry for years now. This means that it is not like some drinks that will cause jitters, but is rather for people who just want a little bit of a jolt while they are sitting around the house.
This makes Bawls Energy Drink ideal for people who want to stay awake while studying, but do not want to be so hyped up that they cannot sit still. This might be looked at as a negative for anyone who is looking for added energy when working out or competing in a sport, however, so keep that in mind before making a purchase.
Perhaps the most troubling thing about Bawls Energy Drink is that it uses sodium benzoate. While this is not exclusive to this drink, there have been tests that show this to be a harmful substance. In addition, the high levels of caffeine in this drink can make it difficult to sleep if the product is consumed too late in the evening. Therefore, make sure that you actually want to stay awake for a few hours before drinking a can.
Overall, this is a very good product, as long as you use it for its intended purpose. Bawls Energy Drink is not meant for people who desire the energy boost to go out partying all night, but it does provide a nice boost for those who simply need a little bit of extra kick. It is highly recommended for those who are going to class or are studying because it can boost your awareness in these situations.
Bawls Energy Drink is also probably one the healthier drinks because it does not have a ridiculous amount of sugar and there is a sugar-free option available for those who want to avoid it all together. Probably the best thing about this drink is that it comes in a number of different flavors, but the main drawback is that the product is probably closer to being a soft drink that a regular soda.
Learn more about Yoli and the Yoli Truth Energy Drink from MLM Review Kings Brian Garvin & Jeff West.