Not All Energy Drinks are Created Equal
Not All Energy Drinks are Created Equal
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Home Page > Food and Beverage > Drinks > Not All Energy Drinks are Created Equal
Not All Energy Drinks are Created Equal
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Posted: Oct 30, 2008 |Comments: 0
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Not All Energy Drinks are Created Equal
By: Susan Patterson
About the Author
Susan Patterson has been studying alternative medicine and health for over 10 years. She loves to write to help others, especially in the area of quick weight loss, which can be accomplished safely. She has found several herbal remedies to be effective in her journey to better health without the side effects that medications cause. She is particularly passionate about hoodia for weight loss. Other interests include exercise, yoga and meditation.
(ArticlesBase SC #621872)
Article Source: – Not All Energy Drinks are Created Equal
We all know that it is important to exercise, but it is equally important to stay hydrated while doing so. As we exercise we increase the internal temperature of our body. The process of sweating is our body’s natural cooling system. Sweating, which is the process of the loss of water equals the loss of vitamins, minerals and electrolytes, all vital to keep our systems running properly. Energy drinks are useful in the quest to replenish these lost nutrients.
Consumers need to be aware that all energy drinks are not created equal. Next time you are at the store looking for an energy drink take a look at the label. Amazing isn’t it, how much sugar is present in something that is supposed to be good for you? Additionally these drinks are rather high on the carbohydrate count which can be devastating to those trying to maintain a low carbohydrate diet.
It is often recommended that unless you are an athlete participating in extremely intense physical activity that you only drink water to replenish the fluids lost during exercise. However it the taste and convenience of energy drinks is something that you crave, you should consider the following factors when choosing the best energy drink :
Calories: Beware some energy drinks contain more calories than were actually burned during exercise
Serving Size: Look at the serving size and number of servings per container. Most energy drinks contain more than one serving per bottle, being unaware of this fact is one of the sneaky little ways extra calories sneak up on you.
Sugar: On average a can of soda contains 9 teaspoons of sugar! You might find it surprising that some energy drinks contain an equal amount if not more!
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Susan Patterson –
About the Author:
Susan Patterson has been studying alternative medicine and health for over 10 years. She loves to write to help others, especially in the area of quick weight loss, which can be accomplished safely. She has found several herbal remedies to be effective in her journey to better health without the side effects that medications cause. She is particularly passionate about hoodia for weight loss. Other interests include exercise, yoga and meditation.
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energy drinks, exercise, best energy drinks
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