Question by ajaaland: Is Cocaine Energy Drink going to be available outside of the Internet?
Is Cocaine Energy Drink going to be distrubted to Convienent Stores/Gas Stations, Wal Marts…or any other stores? It is going on sale again in 7 days according to and i was wandering if i could purchase it in town without going through the online ordering and all that. I don’t know where it would be sold or if it even will be anyplace besides online. Any good help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by michael E
Email an admin of the site, or customer service would accept a call. You could look at other sites for places like Wal-Mart and 7/11.
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if it does, then it will most likely become only availabe in large states, like california or NY, and will probly only be at GNC and stores like that, until it gets approved and more popular.
Cocaine Energy Drink….REALLY????
Wow, I can hear the media having a fiasco with that one.