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How many Monster energy drinks can I have before its really unhealthy?

10 Oct Posted by in Tweet Posts | 6 comments

Question by pNCskate: How many Monster energy drinks can I have before its really unhealthy?
I haven’t really slept in the past 48 hours. I only got about 2 hours of sleep last night and I have to babysit from about 6am until night (all day) and I need to be awake the whole time. I bought a 4 pack of Monster energy drinks to keep myself up and I’ve drank 3 so far. Is this unhealthy for my body or will I be fine? I’m 17 so you’ll have an idea of my age.

Best answer:

Answer by Rosie
that is very unhealthy 12 spoons of sugar in each can. dont drink them you might pass out.

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