Question by beautifull: How fast should you drink an energy drink?
If I’m trying to stay up late to study, is it better to drink the energy drink slowly BEFORE I feel tired, or do I drink it all at once WHEN I feel tired?
Best answer:
Answer by j man64
if you drink it fast you will have a sugar rush. you only have a certian number of heart beats in your lifetime so when your heart rate gets up, you are making your life shorter
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don’t drink them period
they are bad for your heart
slow…never drink one of those fast youre heartrate will go through the roof.
j man’s statement made no sense..that’s like saying exercise will kill me cuz it raises my heart rate..wth..drink it if u get tired to keep u going or just eat some carbs like oatmeal that’s healthier and u wont get the crash or have some caffenated coffee or tea
get like 5 hour energy instead. Dont drink more than 3-4 cans of energy drink a day!!! U might die!!SRSLY!!!
It makes no difference at all, slow or fast.
Even if you dragged it out for an hour the first of the caffeine would still be at work so you’d still be dosing yourself with the same amount. I don’t think that’s what you are concerned about here though.
Actually you’d be better off not to drink them, or coffee etc.
We had a restaurant years ago and a group of Drs started coming in for lunch daily. Back then not every place had decaff, and we didn’t either. They said if we couldn’t serve it they would have to go elsewhere, as they would not drink it with caffeinee ever due to heart health risks.
Taking energy drink is q effective but dont make that a habit.
once in a week may suffice.