Green Energy Drinks — How to Ward Off Cold and Flu Season by Boosting Immunity
Green Energy Drinks — How to Ward Off Cold and Flu Season by Boosting Immunity
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Home Page > Health > Nutrition > Green Energy Drinks — How to Ward Off Cold and Flu Season by Boosting Immunity
Green Energy Drinks — How to Ward Off Cold and Flu Season by Boosting Immunity
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Green Energy Drinks — How to Ward Off Cold and Flu Season by Boosting Immunity
By: Nicole Schubert
About the Author
To be prepared this cold and flu season, you can visit This site offers proven, 100% all-natural products including high-quality
green drink powder. They also offer other nutritional supplements your body craves and needs to function optimally and burn fat and build lean muscle naturally, including fish oil gels, multi-vitamins and protein powder. Right now, EnergyFirst is also offering a money-back guarantee on green energy drinks.
Nicole Schubert is an author for EnergyFirst, leading provider of cutting-edge, scientific health and nutrition education.
(ArticlesBase SC #650991)
Article Source: – Green Energy Drinks — How to Ward Off Cold and Flu Season by Boosting Immunity
Cold and flu season is here, conjuring up visions of fevers, aches, pains, bed rest, tissues and chicken soup.
No one likes to be sick but it’s hard to control whether or not you’ll come in contact with the cold and flu culprits: unhealthy germs floating through the air. You can, however, affect your immune system. A weak immune system makes a cold or flu worse by letting germs in easily, whereas a strong immune system fights them off. That’s where the green energy drinks combined with other immune boosting strategies come in.
1. Get a green plan. Eat 5 – 9 servings of fresh veggies a day, mainly for chlorophyll. Chlorophyll, the basis of plant life, provides oxygen to the brain and body, stops unhealthy bacteria, alkalizes and rebuilds blood cells, helps cure infections and heal wounds, neutralizes pollutants and helps purify the liver.
Green drinks, or green juice, are an easy way to get your greens (one scoop of green drink powder equals two pounds of veggies!). Green drinks are chock-full of the immune boosters and antioxidants necessary to keep your body primed to fight invading viruses, including:
Echinacea — The top cold and flu remedy in the U. S. before antibiotics, echinacea strengthens white blood cells and stimulates the lymph system.
Barley Grass and Wheat Grass — Rich sources of chlorphyll and totally alkaline.
Spirulina and Blue Green Algae Powder — Stimulate cells that fight everything from cancer to HIV to the common cold.
Chlorella Powder — Contains chlorophyll; vitamins E and C; all the Bs; trace minerals; beta-carotene; and amino acids.
Broccoli Powder — Loaded with phyto-chemicals, this green is famous for fighting cancer (and therefore other unhealthy invaders) and providing beta-carotene and vitamin C.
Spinach Powder — Another rock star green, spinach contains the antioxidant lutein, iron, and folate and is vital in maintaining red blood cells.
Green Tea Leaf Extract — A famous antioxidant, recent studies show green tea boosts immunity as well.
2. Keep stress levels down. Do one fun thing just for you every day; exercise; take walk-breaks at work; meditate; vent to a friend; laugh.
3. Have a weekly exercise plan and follow it. Even if it’s a half hour walk in the morning, exercise has an exponential effect on everything you do to keep your body healthy.
4. Eat fresh fruit or veggies high in vitamin C every day. Citrus is your best bet. Red peppers are another tasty source.
5. Drink eight glasses of water a day. The purer the better. Thirst isn’t a good guide; you’re already dehydrated when you feel thirsty.
6. Follow the fist, thumb, fist rule. Keep your blood sugar stable, body metabolizing and immunity strong by eating the following at every meal:
a fist of lean protein (chicken, protein powder)
a thumb of healthy fats (fish oil, nuts)
a fist of complex carbs (leafy greens, green energy drinks, oatmeal)
If you have children, are recovering from illness, or come in contact with a lot of people, you’re a prime target for cold and flu germs. Giving your body a daily green drink and other immune boosters can make a big difference in how you fight them off.
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(ArticlesBase SC #650991)
Nicole Schubert –
About the Author:
To be prepared this cold and flu season, you can visit This site offers proven, 100% all-natural products including high-quality
green drink powder. They also offer other nutritional supplements your body craves and needs to function optimally and burn fat and build lean muscle naturally, including fish oil gels, multi-vitamins and protein powder. Right now, EnergyFirst is also offering a money-back guarantee on green energy drinks.
Nicole Schubert is an author for EnergyFirst, leading provider of cutting-edge, scientific health and nutrition education.
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green drink, green drinks, green drink powder, green energy drinks, green juice
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