energy drink & Bible
Image by size8jeans
May 5, 2007 – I get a diet Rock Star energy drink for a pick-me-up before Sabbath School.
Engineering a living in a tough economy
Without a drivers’ license and a job, this is the mode of transportation they can manage, said Nestle, an unemployed temp worker who says he owes about ,000 to get his drivers’ license back after failing to appear in traffic court.
Read more on Bristol Herald Courier
I don’t bring God anywhere, God brings me
It seems my celebrity is reaching new heights.
Read more on Times Herald
How did the AK-47 become the most abundant weapon on earth?
The atomic bomb rested on a tower 100 feet above the ground. Known as RDS-1, it was shaped like a huge metal teardrop with rivets and bolts along its sides. Everything had been prepared. Inside its shell was a uranium and plutonium charge equal to about 20 kilotons of TNT, making it a rough equivalent to the weapon the United States had used to destroy Nagasaki four years before. It was 1949 …
Read more on Independent