Question by Kiana: energy drink?
ok so my friends && i are going to a football game && want to get an energy drink before hand.
I want to know the energy drink that will give us the most crazy-energy-feeling.
Anyone know of an energy drink that can do that?
&& where do i get it?
Best answer:
Answer by ♫♪ Jukebox Hero ♪♫
Well … just ponder this for a moment.
Redbull’s main ingredient is taurine.
Taurine is bile …. from a bull.
…. Hence the name … Redbull.
I suggest those little 5-hour energy shots that you can get at most gas stations. They usually have them up at the counter.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
drink a couple of red bulls, v’s or mother’s. that should give you a buzz.
take some caffeine pills and drink a monster m-80
Pepsi with double the caffeine or jolt get it at the store look for it wow
liquid crack rock allias named red bull it gives you a sort of crazy hi but drink the big one cause it is the best, but be aware you will crash the next day hard, it is almost like ephedra which is now legal by the way and you can buy it on ebay
monster 🙂
trust me…