Question by brandon *: Energy drink?
Are energy drinks bad for you if you are not sensitve to caffine, if you are and active, reletivly healthy person?
also they are the sugar free ones
Best answer:
Answer by Ganesha_lvr
yes, but more because of the sugar than anything else.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
all I can say is of having a Monster one day and the shakes all day after, I won’t be drinking those anymore….I used to do them before basketball and rollerskating….but now? Neh…the caffiene level is off the charts!
It depends upon the drink. Many energy drinks are bad for you because of the ingredients, such as Gatorade. There are viable alternatives, though, like Vitaminwater.
Well. Energy drinks provide bursts of energy from the sugars that are in it. But after that sugar rush it’ll get you later. You’ll feel bummed out and tired maybe even a few hours after you drink it.
They’re not going to kill you. But many of these energy drinks contain significant amounts of caffeine, which can make you jittery and cause insomnia, as well as loads of sugar, which nobody needs.
not rally unless you have an allergy to them. it doesnt matter if you are an active person or not if you cant have them and you do and you end up dieing thats your fault.
i love you brandon!!!1
There’s nothing that good about them, but there is nothing that would hurt you unless you had it in large quantities. Just make sure to drink enough water to offset the caffeine and sugar.
Yeah. You’re stupid.
Do your effing work, not this!