Question by LTD: Energy Drink?
Is energy drink such as RedBull or Monster bad for you?
Best answer:
Answer by Through the fire and flames,gh3
I heard that drinking alot of red bull can cause a heart attack. As for monster i dont know anything about it being bad yet.
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lots of cafine leads to arthritis even at younger ages stay away take the chalenge ask a stranger if they drink cofee if they say no say you never have sore muscle problems do you if they say yes ask them if they always have arthritus problems i did this at work i was 100percent right every time it was funny lots cafine or coffee does cause arthritus and sore mustles
If you drink absurd amounts, but some energy drinks have good vitamins and minerals.
they can be if you abuse them. Over stimulating your body and your heart can lead to heart attacks
Anything in excess is not good for you. The brands you named are only bad because they taste bad. If you want to try an energy drink that actually tastes good check out King 888.