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Carnivorous plants’ long literary history

03 Nov Posted by in Tweet Posts | Comments

Carnivorous plants’ long literary history
Something about carnivorous plants gives people a serious case of the willies. Animals are supposed to eat plants; not vice versa. Stephen Jay Gould once remarked that the larger the prey, “the more we feel the…
Read more on San Francisco Chronicle

Sugar-sweetened drink’s diabetes link ‘clear and consistent’: Meta-analysis
Regular consumption of soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages is associated with a clear and consistently greater risk of metabolic syndrome and type-2 diabetes, according to a meta-analysis of 11 published studies.
Read more on Food Navigator Europe

Weighing choices for eco-conscious living
Ten years ago, it all boiled down to “Paper or plastic?” That question, posed at the supermarket checkout, might have caused some momentary consternation, but by the time you’d loaded your groceries into the car, the…
Read more on San Francisco Chronicle