Question by Edbos T: Are energy drinks a potential hazard for my health?
I have to admit, i am addicted to energy drinks. I probably drink about two Monsters or Rockstars, and even maybe a coffee drink thrown into the mix on a daily basis. Is this a long-term health risk? Am i asking for trouble in the future if i keep it up? How much caffeine am I consuming and is it dangerous?
Best answer:
Answer by broomridinghuzzy
they are dangerous! They are nothing but sugar and caffeine…pick something healthier out!
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Any thing man made is bad. Drink water or tea.
Probably. I have a lot of friends that drink them like alcoholics. Too much of anything is bad for you. Having one like once a week probably wouldn’t be a bad idea.
Yes. The ephedra is the number one no no. All those things that give you that fun little kick make your heart race… which can lead to heart problems in the future. Plus, look at the baseball players who dropped dead of a heart attack from drinking energy drinks, then playing sports. Poof! Dead.
The 5 Hour Energy drink will give you similar results, but it’s not as dangerous as those Rockstars. I mean, every once in a while is fine, but don’t do it on a daily basis. You don’t wanna drop dead, do you?
Then again, I drink one to two cups of coffee every single day. I’ve been doing that for 20 years and I haven’t dropped dead yet…. Just be careful and pay attention to what your body tells you. Getting the “jitters” is a bad sign. So, if those energy drinks make you jittery, then you definitely need to cut WAY back.
alls i know is that the drinks give you a constant elevated heart rate which long term stresses out the heart
in addition to the caffeine effects, you are also drinking about 2 large carbonated beverages a day, which depending on size could be equivalent to drinking 4 sodas a day. the phosphorous in carbonated beverages does not do much to you if it is occasional, but calcium can be sucked out of your bones to keep the correct ratio of phosphorous to calcium. the negative effect is recognized at 5 cans a day, but 4 a day can’t be good for you either.
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