21Ten Healthy Energy Drink ? A New Choice
21Ten Healthy Energy Drink – A New Choice
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21Ten Healthy Energy Drink – A New Choice
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21Ten Healthy Energy Drink – A New Choice
By: Cathy Mahady
About the Author
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Cathy Mahady has been a successful mentor for more than 20 years. Her passion is to train and coach others to find the life they desire. http://www.Breakout-Energy-Drink.com
(ArticlesBase SC #2154092)
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ – 21Ten Healthy Energy Drink – A New Choice
If you have been paying attention at all, you’ve noticed that Energy Drinks are wildly popular. In fact, it is estimated that the market will crest billion dollars in 2010. So if it’s that fashionable, shouldn’t you be getting in on the craze?
Well, hold on a minute. Read the label first. Understand what you are drinking.
While we all could use a good energy boost to get us through the typical day or improve our performance, it’s important to comprehend how the energy is created.
Many energy drinks on the market today are loaded with caffeine and sugar. Will this give you a lift? Sure, temporarily. But it will also give you that dreaded crash when it wears off. So it becomes a never ending cycle of boost it high, feel it crash, do it again. That can’t be good for your health, or your pocketbook.
Even one of these energy drinks a day, with it’s 200 calories, could lead to a 20 pound weight gain in just a year.
And the caffeine content is so ridiculously high that you may be submitting your body to caffeine intoxication and experience symptoms like nervousness, anxiety, insomnia, irritability, and rapid heartbeat.
Do you have to submit to these potential health consequences in order to just feel good and get through the day with a little extra energy?
No. There are healthier alternatives.
Healthy Energy Drinks can give you the energy boost you want by giving your body the stuff it needs. Energy doesn’t have to come from stimulants like sugar, caffeine, and mystery herbs.
Today, all the buzz is about Healthy Energy Drinks that create natural energy by combining nutritional vitamins, minerals, and super fruits. This provides unrivaled, sustained energy – without a short lived spike, followed by the regrettable crash.
So feel free to partake in the popularity of Energy Drinks, just make sure you are reading the labels and making choices that will enhance your health and not harm it.
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Cathy Mahady –
About the Author:
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Cathy Mahady has been a successful mentor for more than 20 years. Her passion is to train and coach others to find the life they desire. http://www.Breakout-Energy-Drink.com
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Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/nutrition-articles/21ten-healthy-energy-drink-a-new-choice-2154092.html
Article Tags:
healthy energy drink, 21ten, natural energy, energy boost, energy drink
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