Yoli Lovers Say Sugary Energy Drinks Pack On Pounds
All across the state of New York, large bulletin boards are flying all over the subways that show the most common energy drinks turning into ugly lumps of human fat, entrenching the blood vessels and served with ice. It’s wonderful to see people supporting Yoli that keep coming up out of the woodwork.
This is sickening. And this is the main reason, say Health Department representatives who started this campaign to intimidate the citizens of the state of New York from drinking sodas, energy drinks, manufactured tea, caffeine or other beverages loaded with sugar.
Just attempting to remain positive and motivational toward people does not necessarily gain everyone’s undivided attention. If you become confrontational and let people know in no uncertain terms the damage they are doing to their bodies, people tend to listen.
The goal of this anti-fat promotion is to inform the general public and lower obesity and diabetis by explaining to the citizens of New York how much sugar, caffeine and other unhealthy nutrients go into their drinks each day that they acquire from places like Bodega and their Super Market isles.
Just one Twenty Ounce bottle of soda pop can have 16.5 teaspoons of sugar. One Twenty oz. Lemon Tea can contain as much as 14.5 Tablespoons of sugar. Even a Twenty Ounce Energy Drink sometimes contains 7.5 teaspoons, says the department involved in this study.
New York agencies are very upset right now. They are suggesting their children and teens go out and drink diet soda, regular water, milk with low fat or just ditch all of these drink and start consuming Yoli Energy Drinks.
Lemon Lime drinks these days have the same sugar content as some of the more renowed drinks that people all know that are loaded with sugar. So some drinks that appear to be health on the surface are just grim reaper’s in disguise. And all you need to do is read the labels on the drinks to find out how much sugar they really contain.
Between 21-29 percent of teenages consume soda every single day. Hey it’s the american way isn’t it? Some call the american diet the SAD diet. Sad in this case stands for Slow, Anticipated Death. Liquids is something we all consume and need to cool our bodies down during the hot summer, and of course we need them all year.
Water is an option but it just has no flavor. People want flavor and zing with their drink and that is totally understandable. So how do we get this? We get it with Yoli Energy Drinks, Yoli Truth and Yoli Fun. These are the two Yoli Energy Drinks that are available from this brand new company.
If you think investing in Energy Drinks is costly, try Diabetis Medication or Insulin down the road in life. And if you pay money for sugary drinks like sodas everyday anyway, why not spend your hard earned money on drinks that taste just as good if not much better, have all the nutritional value your body needs and in the long run will give you even more energy than before.
You’ve heard the saying what comes up must come down. When you come down off sugary drinks what happens next? You crave more so you purchase more soda and continue the negative cycle. But it’s not your fault. The reason I say it’s not your fault is no one has even sat you down and told you the right way to take care of your body.
Let Brian Garvin and Jeff West teach you more about Yoli and Yoli Energy Drinks on our MLM Review Kings website today.