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Will an energy drink make me crash tomorrow?

23 Nov Posted by in Tweet Posts | 1 comment

Question by rob y: Will an energy drink make me crash tomorrow?
Tomorrow is the first day of my junior year in high school. Basically I have to wake up at 5:45 in the morning and the earliest I’ve waken up this summer is at 9. I’m planning on being tired out of my mind especially since I’m probably not going to sleep until 11 or so because last night I tried going to bed early and I couln’t because I’ve stayed up so late all summer. My question is, if I drink an energy drink tomorrow morning will I crash during the day and become tired?

Thank you for your help.

Best answer:

Answer by Marc G
Yes, you will crash during the day. The energy comes mostly from caffeine, which will only get you “up” for a couple of hours. My advice is to try to go to sleep early again, maybe you’ll be more successful tonight.

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