by JoshSPeters
Question by Andres T: What’s better? A 5 hour energy drink or a can of Red Bull? And is it safe any of the two drinks?
I want to know what’s better and I don’t want to get something in the future by drinking energy drinks. The reason Im wondering is becuase I drink Redbull almost every day.
Best answer:
Answer by Zach
Redbull everyday is definitely not that good for you. Have you considered getting more sleep? Having either one OCCASIONALLY will not hurt you, but everyday…no.
What do you think? Answer below!
depending on either one every single day can at some point have some sort of effect on you, they are loaded with sugars and stuff..and the caffine can be harmful eventually as well.
If you want safe, I would suggest having someone hit you in the head and knock you out so you sleep nice and long haha
The five hour energy is safer by far.
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