Question by Rhythm Nation: What is the best energy drink out there?
Simple and to the point: What is the best energy drink on the market?
Things to take into consideration:
Contents (caffeine, tourine, etc)
Side effects
Best answer:
Answer by saralicious
French roast coffee is, sweetheart. I’m drinking it right now and it’s the perfect way to get myself going after partying all night. Good thing I don’t work today!
What do you think? Answer below!
Well I don’t know about the “best”, but I can speak for one that I drink on a daily basis. Diet Rockstar. As far as the comparisons I think that may be objective.
Potency- 6 vitamins, and 7 supplements.
Duration- usually last for approximately 4-5 hours on a full 16 ounce can. This is the best as far as I have found and I’m about 200 lbs, 6’1.
Taste- Eh, only downfall here! I would compare it to Red bull with an after taste of diet coke.
Contents- (full can) 400% B2, 100% B3, 100% B5, 100% B6, 100% B12, 200% C, also with Taurine, Guarana, Inositol, Camitine, Eleutherococcus Senticosus, Milk Thistle and Ginko.
Side Effects- eh, for me staying awake when I need to sleep.
Price- $1.99 for 16 ounces at a gas station and little cheaper on sale at the grocery store.
The best thing that I have found is that there is only 20 calories in a full can and it will def. speed up your metabolism!
Discuss sounds too much like homework for me..
try this one
Wheatgrass Kick Smoothie
2 oranges
1 banana
1 lime
2-3 inch round wheatgrass
Peel the orange and lime, then juice with the wheatgrass. Put into blender with a banana and ice and blend until smooth
REDBULL;**** i just love it
redbull or fullthrottle
i would say red rain, same as red bull yet cheaper
Royal Energy Tea by Bee Royal Products. Green tea with loads of B vitamins. Read caffeine plus stabilized blood sugar (B vitamins) and recharged adrenals (again B vitamins). Your adrenals are what gives you they caffeine rush. When they are depleted you need more and more caffeine to get that rush. This is why a lot of caffeine drinkers have mid to lower back pain (this is where your adrenals are located).
Oh and it also has a touch of fresh honey. It’s perfect not to sweet and the honey takes away the bitterness of the green tea.
Taste – The one I’ve tasted so is Coolah Energy Drink.
Price – The price I would pay is $1.74 to $1.99.