by akanekal
Question by Ice cold heart: What is the best energy drink in the market?
plez don’t tell me red bull and there is a reason they call it bull and i tried monster energy and it only gave me a buzz for about 30 min. I want a drink that will work for at least an hour or two.
Best answer:
Answer by debbie c
I have tried full throttle and rock star both are great rock star has more caffeine if that is what you are looking for
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Enviga, 100mg caffeine, 200mg calcium, green tea antioxidants, 5 calories
Fusion Energy,250 mg caffeine,ginseng,guarana, yerba mate,0 calories
Spike Shooter,300 mg caffeine,Tyrosine,Yohimbe,B12, 0 calories
If these don’t work, go to your nearest hospital for two electrical jolts.
You should try Rock star. It works. Hope I could help.
gatorade. it works for me or better yet try a banana. better than any drink in the market.
rock star guava for sure oh, yeah
full throttle is good. i like all their flavors…. but if you wanna try something new try HYPHY JUice, thats straight out from the bay area, but i dont know if its national yet.
Then you are after rock star… for sure
I love Vault but it doesnt give me alot of energy i think but they say it is a energy drink so…
either gatorade or propel.
I like the drink called Bookoo. You can get it at most gas stations
Try Rock Star
Red Line. It comes in a little blue can. You can get it at GNC. However it costs like 5-6$ a drink, but it’s the most amazing energy drink I’ve ever tried. It tells you to only try a half a bottle at first, so you can see how it affects your body..but I take it all. In about a half hour you get incredibly warm all over and want to move around. You can’t sit still, lasts a bit too.
Cocaine,it has tons of caffeine.