Question by TurtleT: What is the best energy drink for staying awake?
I work third shift, I’ve tried various energy drink, Monster, Nos, red bull, Rock star, 5 hour, but neither had no real affect. Is there another drink out there that people find exceptionally energizing?
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Answer by JRosE
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I would rather you to sleep more, then ruining your body with energy drinks. Energy drinks just makes your body more exhausting day by day when you use it. Give your body a rest, and stop drinking energy drinks, and do the work on your own strength. Stop using energy drinks, your just going to kill yourself/your body by drinking to much, so my full suggestion is to give your body a rest for a few days.
Here in Australia where doctors have to work serious long hours, they have been recommended to have about 6 cups of coffee a day, don’t think that is all that good for you though, but probably better than a truck load of sugar
Try a Redline. They are generally known to give the biggest kick. If you really want to go big, try a Redline Shot, but these are sometimes hard to come by.