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The Rise Of ‘value Added’ Energy Drinks

18 Oct Posted by in Tweet Posts | Comments

The Rise Of ‘value Added’ Energy Drinks

Once upon a time, and not very long ago, energy-drinks were – for all purposes and intents – just another variety of ‘soft drinks.’ Most people’s definition of an energy-drink would be something to the effect that ‘an energy-drink is simply a soft drink that makes its user feel more energetic.’ There was nothing more that was expected of the drinks. You took one whenever you felt ‘low’ in terms of energy levels (or psychologically), and you would be assured that the drink would almost instantly raise your energy levels.

But that was another era.

Today, we are living in the era of ‘value-added’ energy-drinks. Sure, when you take these drinks, you expect them to energize you. But over and above that, you also expect a cache of other benefits from the drinks. One drink will promise you that, in addition to increasing your physical energy levels, it will help you lose weight. Another one (like an acai berry based energy-drink) will promise to help make your skin better. Another one will promise to help you boost your immunity. Yet anther one will promise to enhance your mental acuity…it is all about value addition.

So, what is behind this trend towards ‘valued added’ energy-drinks?

Well, the main factor behind the trend towards ‘value added’ energy-drinks is the growing realization by the manufacturers that they have to align their products with customer aspirations. It is a relatively recently established fact that people tend to be more inclined to buy products that they feel to be in alignment with their individual aspirations. Of course, it is a fact that has always been there, but it is only recently that it was ‘discovered.’ And it is subsequent to that discovery that you have seen the emergence of products that seem to speak directly to you. The ‘value added’ energy-drinks are precisely that sort of products.

The vendors of the drinks have realized that people want more than just a drink that increases their energy levels. What is bothering the average person today is not his or her energy levels as such; but rather something like how much weight he is put on, how she looks, and how his mental performance is progressing with years…that kind of things. Give that person a product that promises to help lose weight, improve aesthetic appeal or improve mental performance, while also raising energy levels (and giving them the nice feeling that comes with), and you can be sure they will embrace it enthusiastically.

Thankfully, most of the ‘value added’ energy-drinks will actually tend to go on to deliver on the various promises they come with, albeit to varying degrees. But many people are happy: as long as they get something, a bonus benefit if you like, in addition to the basic one of being energized by the drinks.

It seems now that the older generations are looking to take vitamin supplements, while younger generations are heavily drinking energy drinks. Eniva Vibe is a great combination of the two, vitamins to satisfy any health nut, and enough energy to give all people a boost!

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