The Pros And Cons Of Using Frs Energy Drinks Before A Workout
The Pros And Cons Of Using Frs Energy Drinks Before A Workout
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Home Page > Business > Business Opportunities > The Pros And Cons Of Using Frs Energy Drinks Before A Workout
The Pros And Cons Of Using Frs Energy Drinks Before A Workout
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The Pros And Cons Of Using Frs Energy Drinks Before A Workout
By: john
About the Author
John MacNamera is an avid weightlifter and recently tried Yoga after hearing about its advantages from a personal trainer. John is a popular fitness writer and has covered topics ranging from proper lifting techniques to FRS Healthy Energy and HGH. Currently John is working on a detailed report of
(ArticlesBase SC #2072167)
Article Source: – The Pros And Cons Of Using Frs Energy Drinks Before A Workout
Energy drinks have recently become popular since popping energy pills throughout the day has become something of the barren past. Not only can taking energy pills be a daunting task, but it has also become non existent because of their ability to damage the liver and other organs of the body with excessive use. Nonetheless, whilst energy drinks have trumped energy pills, most energy drinks are beginning to phase out as well because of their ability to actually last throughout the day without the dreaded crash that comes shortly after ingestion. Nevertheless, with recent reformulations, a new energy drink named FRS has a strong advantage over other energy drinks with its ability to provide health benefits and the ability to be used before workouts. FRS or Free Radical Scavenger, a newly formulated energy drink has now added big spokesmen such as Lance Armstrong, the seven time Tour de France winner and testicular cancer survivor. The reason for the hype and great spokesperson is due to the benefits of the drink. Unlike other energy drinks, FRS is formulated with a key antioxidant called quercetin. Unlike other energy drinks that are loaded with sugar and caffeine, quercetin is a health beneficial antioxidant that is responsible for aiding in long lasting energy without the crash that other energy drink consumers may experience. Quercetin is found in the skin of fruits and vegetables like that of apples, blueberries, and red onions. The reason that quercetin is such beneficial is because with its consumption, its users are able to experience a great bouts of energy while concurrently adding cancer fighting antioxidants into the body simultaneously, thus adding to the benefits of utilizing FRS before workouts sessions. Ingesting FRS before a workout session is a great idea since the antioxidant quercetin allows its users to have great amounts of energy that is needed in order to complete a tough workout. Sometimes, the body is not solely capable of reaching certain levels of completion when it comes to working out. This is where FRS comes into play. Since the body is not able to reach higher levels of endurance and stamina that is needed, the quercetin in which FRS is mainly comprised of will ensure that a tough workout is attainable with its use. The effects that FRS enables are similar to that of creatine, however creatine, if not utilized properly, can result in weight gain, liver and kidney damage, as well as dehydration. FRS eliminates the negative side effects since it contains natural products. Although there are several pros to FRS consumption cons do exist to utilizing the energy drink. While the antioxidant benefits are great along with the amount of energy that can be exerted, over use of this product before workouts can cause the dependency on it since it is not your body that is solely responsible doing the work alone. Moreover, while there aren’t any drawbacks to over utilizing antioxidants, for exercise purposes, over using FRS will add empty calories into your diet since the energy drink does contain caffeine and sugar. Whilst FRS does not contain nearly as much caffeine and sugar as other energy drinks, the idea of having extra sugar and caffeine into your diet does do damage to your exercise and diet routine overtime, resulting in extra effort being put into sessions to burn off excess calories from sugar. Although there are both pros and cons to FRS, the product is truly amazing offering the benefits of antioxidants in combination with amazing energy in the most natural wayB.
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john –
About the Author:
John MacNamera is an avid weightlifter and recently tried Yoga after hearing about its advantages from a personal trainer. John is a popular fitness writer and has covered topics ranging from proper lifting techniques to FRS Healthy Energy and HGH. Currently John is working on a detailed report of
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