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Soda tax: A solution to a big problem

19 Nov Posted by in Tweet Posts | Comments

Zurg energy drink can prototype
energy drink
Image by TomMaillioux
I’ve been going into some sort of papercraft binge these last few days, and starting cmoing up with Gaia Online-related models. This one, the Zurg energy drink model, was inspired by the Gaian alien invasion of…When was that already ? I don’t even remember :p

Soda tax: A solution to a big problem
Thanksgiving. It’s a time to celebrate the day our ancestors made peace with the American Indians. So how do we celebrate it? Like we celebrate any other national holiday — with a huge meal.
Read more on The Daily Tar Heel

Arlington convenience store targeted after teen’s death
NEWS 8 EXCLUSIVE ARLINGTON — The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission is taking action after an accident that killed a teenage girl. TABC agents questioned a representative of the 6 Pack Express convenience store at 1901 East Park Row Drive in Arlington, where the alcoholic “energy drink” Four Loko was allegedly sold to the girl’s two underage male companions before the wreck early Sunday morning …
Read more on WFAA Dallas-Fort Worth

Soda tax: A solution to a big problem
Thanksgiving. It’s a time to celebrate the day our ancestors made peace with the American Indians. So how do we celebrate it? Like we celebrate any other national holiday — with a huge meal.
Read more on The Daily Tar Heel